5 Questions your makeup artist should ask you 

In order to find the best makeup artist for your event, we gathered questions she should ask you.
If you are a makeup artist reading this, consider adding this questions to your list 😉

1. What is the date of your wedding?

The makeup artist should make sure she is available the day you need her, even before doing a trial. The last thing you want is to pay for a trial and learn that she is unavailable.

2. Do you have any allergies? (Skin type questions)

Your health is really important to your makeup artist. She should ask you if you have any allergies or intolerance you are aware of. If you’ve ever had a skin reaction, take the time to mention it. It is our duty to make sure that we get to know the skin we are working with. Do you have oily skin? Dry skin? This will help make sure that the makeup stays as long as possible.

3. What kind of makeup do you want? (Makeup related questions)

It is really important that the makeup artist gets to know your makeup style. She should try to understand your relationship with makeup and you should be really precise on what you want. When you say you want a natural look, is it more a no makeup makeup look or really something soft. Do you have past experiences with makeup application. You should show her makeup you did not like and makeup you like and explain why you didn’t like this look on you. Tell her it is because your eyebrows were too thick/too thin.

4. What time do you want to be ready the day of your wedding?

Your makeup artist should plan the day with you. She should tell you what time she will start, how long the makeup session will last. Make sure she has a backup plan for last minute emergencies. Some makeup artists go as far as doing a custom schedule of who is doing their face at what time. This will help to schedule the hair appointment and make sure everyone is on time. She should question you about the distance to the venue, the time the photographer/videographer will arrive. Make sure to mention if you want picture during the makeup session.

5. What is the theme/colors of the wedding/event?

You want a makeup artist who cares about your event. You took so much time to prepare for this day, she should ask you about the style, the colors and make sure her art is aligned to the overall look you are trying to achieve.

Those are the types of questions I make sure I ask my clients. If your makeup artist does not ask you all these questions, take the time to discuss them with her.

Do you have any other questions you see missing from the list?

Comment them below, so we can add them to the list!



Note that all the makeup in this article was done by our makeup artists.

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