The Proper Removal of Makeup: Things To Know

Most of us know a thing or two about makeup. How about the proper removal of makeup? In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of proper makeup removal and a few tips on how to do so. 

Why Is It Important?

It’s common knowledge that makeup is composed of various chemicals that may cause damage to your skin if worn for too long. And, you should never wear makeup to bed. (attach previous article link)

If you’re long past this bad habit, congratulations. However, there should be proper steps in removing your makeup. If not removed properly, makeup residues may gradually build up and block your pores. More than that, you could be leaving too much oil or even take unnecessary moisture from your skin. 

Whatever the case, one’s thing for sure – it is definitely more complex than merely washing your face with water and soap.

Tips To Follow

  • Make time for it.

Some feel that removing makeup in a proper way takes much time. Therefore, they find less motivation to actually make it a part of their routine. However, having this mental attitude will slowly become a habit and eventually, all those neglections will catch up to you. It might even much more of your time, resources and effort by then. 

To prevent that, one must establish their very own routine- one that they feel comfortable in. Of course, that routine must include steps that are truly essential for their skin health. It doesn’t have to be 10 steps or 15 steps, as long as you sleep with a properly cleansed face. No residues, no buildup. 

  • Use proper products.

Make sure to check the quality of your makeup removers and cleansers too. Those are the products that are more likely to stay in your skin, and those products should give what your skin exactly needs. Don’t impulsively buy such products, take time to actually read its contents and ingredients. Keep an eye for potential ingredients that may do harm to your face. 

For instance, are you a fan of using baby wipes to remove makeup? An article by Real Simple says that it’s wiser to use the proper products that are intended for the job. “While baby wipes may resemble makeup wipes, they’re not formulated to do the same job,” Satur says. Baby wipes do not have the proper ingredient to totally remove your makeup. Clean your face with proper products. 

Also, pay attention to your skin type. If your skin is the dry type, try using cleansing oils instead of toners.

Take care of your skin afterwards.

Removing makeup can cause strain and dryness to your skin afterwards. Don’t forget to feed your skin healthy nutrients from essences, serums or moisturizers after removing your makeup. These are very important to keep your skin healthy, glowing, moisturize and supple.

Remember that a beautiful glow-up is paired with a healthy and clean base- which is your skin. Healthy skin comes from proper skin care. Make time for these small things, and the results will be rewarding. Always remember that clean is beautiful. 

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