For weeks I’ve been thinking about what kind of content I should write about. This is when my boyfriend said : Babe, write about what you are good at. Why dont you write about Natural makeup, isnt your expertise? Me: Heu .. well.. it’s easy to say : write about natural makeup .. what is there to write about? I am good at doing natural makeup.. that’s it. Him: write about confidence, natural beauty.. So Here I am! Twice a month I’ll write about beauty, makeup, art, self esteem. Makeup is , as you know, something I am passionate about. It is more than something artificial.. It is more profound than you think. I’ll try my best to share it with you.

Today, my first quick topic is about accepting your real face: the pimple in the middle of your face. The nose people tease you on. The lips to big for your taste or the lips too small you have to overdraw them. I won’t tell you it is easy to accept your flaws. I’m here to tell you that everyone has something they don’t like about themselves. That’s what makes you unique. And trust me, there are people who actually like your flaws. It makes you look special. Embrace the fact that you don’t look like everyone. Remember when big lips was not trendy? When people use to draw a fake black mole on the right on top of their lips. One’s flaw can become a trend when you rock it with confidence. Embrace your natural unique beauty even if your skin is not perfect, your face is not even or your feature is not the way you wish it was. That was my quick message for the week. Share it with someone you know have a hard time accepting parts of her face. You might bring a smile on her face without knowing it 😉 -J
Sosial Media